What is Related Items?

You can connect your Objectives, Key Results, Commitments and Interlocks to gain a better understanding what needs to be done

For example, to see progress towards an Objective you set measurable Key Results, and to achieve those Key Results you can create tasks (Commitments) needed to achieve the Key Results, and typically there might impediments (Interlocks) that need to be untangled with other teams to get the tasks done.

Connecting items together allows for better planning, tracking, and coordination across teams, ensuring alignment and increasing the chances of success. You can identify the interdependencies that contribute to the overall success of your objectives.

Adding and removing Related Items

You can add a related item from any Objective, Key Result, Commitment, or Interlock dialog view from the "Related items" panel. These items will automatically establish a connection, making it easier to understand and track the necessary actions and tasks.

When you remove a related item, the connection will be removed.



What is the difference between Related Items and Related Objectives?

To generate the Alignment chart for the Objectives Alignment view, you will still need to use the separate "Related Objectives" functionality. However, you can additionally establish connections between Objectives using the "Related Items" feature, although these connections will not be visually represented in the Alignment chart.