What are Interlocks?

What are interlocks and when do I use them?

Interlocks help you manage and untangle obstacles and dependencies with other teams. They enable everyone to share their point of view and clarify the situation, even when working asynchronously.


You can use interlocks to:
  • Manage obstacles and dependencies with other teams that are hindering progress.
  • Coordinate and communicate with other teams asynchronously
  • Create alignment across distributed teams
  • Untangle the dependencies and obstacles in execution

Why would I use interlocks?

  • Create a shared space where you define the goal, scope, timeline and stakeholders of the collaboration.
  • Invite the relevant people and teams to join the interlock and communicate with them in real-time or asynchronously.
  • Track the progress and status of the obstacle or dependency using a visual dashboard.
  • Help resolve issues and conflicts by making the interlock, opinions and situation transparent and manageable.
  • Celebrate the success of the interlock and document the learnings and best practices for future reference.