1. Getting started
  2. Common Understanding

What is Common Understanding?

A high level overview which explains what Common Understanding is and why it might be used.

Common Understanding is where you seek alignment from teams. Information from cascaded workshops brings clarity and transparency in how your strategy or the transformation program is interpreted throughout your organisation.


comm understanding


Common Understanding focuses teams on how to best align themselves to the strategy change or transformation program, by helping them manage and understand the change and make it meaningful for them.

The strategy becomes tangible at every level and enables teams to easily focus on what is important to them and provides a springboard for their OKR planning.

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It is easy to see both progress and alignment of each team.

  • If a team is fully aligned it indicates this by the a green circle.
  • If a team is partially aligned and needs to have some questions answered it indicates this by an amber circle.
  • If a team is not aligned it indicates this by a red circle.

Every team answers the same set of questions – starting with the leadership team.  The answers to these questions are then input into TG.

Every team throughout the orgnisation will then run their own Common Understanding workshop and input their answers and alignment status into TG.


comm understanding questions