1. Getting started
  2. Context Sharing (use Game Plans instead)

What is Context Sharing?

Context Sharing is the first page you see when you log in. This is where you will be able to read the story about where your organisation is heading and why.

Context Sharing is dynamic feature and can be easily updated to reflect changes which you want to quickly to communicate to everybody.

It is the single source of truth for your Strategy or Transformation; to communicate, engage and align everyone in your organisation with the same messages.

context sharing-1

Context Sharing often includes information on your organisation:

  • Purpose
  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Values

You will also see additional information about your organisation such as:

  • Where you are right now as an organisation.
  • Why you are making changes in your organisation and what these changes are.
  • What you believe the benefits of the change will be.
  • What will you start to focus on as an organisation.

It is easy to be more compelling in your story telling and in how you’re communicating by using a variety of media to show your information.  You can choose to include videos, images and external links.

Transformation Sliders are an easy way to visualise the strategy in a nutshell; to show where you are currently and where you are heading for. 


Transformation sliders can also be used to indicate a current and future position on what may be thought of as two conflicting positions, for example:

  • Small customers versus Large customers
  • Control versus Autonomy

Use traffic lights to indicate priorities:

traffic lights-1

Consider adding in Leadership team or Company level OKRs:

leadership OKRs