1. Getting started
  2. Objectives & Key Results

How do weighted Key Results work?

When and how to use weighted Key Results in TG

In TG, by default all Key Results are weighted at 100.

This means that all key results count equally towards achieving the Objective.

The objective score is automatically calculated as a weighted average of all the key results.

When to use weighted Key Results

Use weighted Key Results to assign a weight or priority to each key result, based on how critical it is to the overall success of the objective.

By default in TG, the weights are 100, so you would change the weight when:

  1. You want to allocate resources to the key results that are most critical to the success of the objective.
  2. You want to effectively communicate the importance of each key result to your team and stakeholders.
  3. You want to measure progress towards the objective in a way that reflects its priority.

By assigning weights to key results, you can effectively communicate the relative importance of each result to your team and stakeholders, and track progress towards achieving the objective in a way that reflects its priority.

How to use weighted Key Results

Change the weight of the Key Result in the Key Result panel.

KR weight-1

How are weighted averages calculated?

Example 1

This example has all Key Results with a weight of 100

This Objective has a score of 52.5%.  

objective view

This is calculated as a weighted average of the key results

key result view

If you are interested in how this works, here comes the maths in 4 easy steps:

1. Multiply each Key Result by its weight

2. Add together all of these Key Result products

3. Add together all of the weights

4. Divide the sum of the Key Result products (step 2) by by the sum of the weights (step 3) and you will have your weighted average.

Objective Score = ((45 x 100%) +(60 x 100%)) / 200

  = 52.5%


Example 2

Lets explore the same example and this time, one Key Result is 100 weight and the other Key Result has 50 weight.

If we change the weight of the Energy CSAT at 4.5, Key Result to be 50% the overall score of the Objective drops from 52.% to 50% because TG automatically calculate the new weighted average.

Objective Score = ((45 x 100%) + (60 x 50%)) / 150

= 50%