1. Getting started
  2. Context Sharing (use Game Plans instead)

How do I move content from Context Sharing to the new Game Plan page?

In a few short steps, how to copy and paste content from context sharing pages into Game Plan pages

game plan toolbar

1. Set Up

  1. Open TG in one browser window
  2. Navigate to the team Context Sharing page
  3. Open TG in a second browser window
  4. Navigate to the team Game Plan page - to create Game Plan content press the plus-icon and select the components you wish to add to the Game Plan

2. Copying & Pasting Content

  1. Select text content from Context Sharing (browser 1) and copy to Game Plan (browser 2)
  2. To copy an image:
    1. open the image to largest possible size
    2. Screenshot the image
    3. Save the screenshot as a new image file.
    4. Upload the image file to the Game Plan
  3. If you have used the traffic lights, you can now utilize emojis instead.
    1. Windows - during text entry, type Windows logo key + . (period). The emoji keyboard will appear. Select an emoji with the mouse, or keep typing to search through the available emojis for one you like
    2. Mac - Press Control-Command-Space. Click the Input menu in the menu bar and choose Show Emoji & Symbols